One of the handbags from the Spring 2020 collection - the eco-friendly 'Wing Bag' made from leftover factory cotton fabric. Each 'Wing' is uniquely crafted with a hand-painted surface, and the bag's two-way design allows for versatile use, making it the perfect accessory for any occasion.
Another handbag from the Spring 2020 collection - a multi-functional accessory crafted from Sinamay material. Sinamay material is derived from natural plant fibers, making it a sustainable alternative to synthetic materials.
Each handbag is carefully handcrafted, featuring intricate hand-embroidered appliqués, up-cycled yarn fringes, synthetic fiber rope, and metal hardware.
The handbag can be worn as a shoulder pad, a hat, or a bag. Crafted from Sinamay material, this handbag is lightweight, durable, and eco-friendly.